Eric Golnick
CEO Forge VFR, Forge Health
Forge Veteran and First Responder (Forge VFR) is excited to announce that Eric Golnick, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Forge VFR, has been selected as one of 51 national scholars to participate in the George W. Bush Institute’s 2021 Stand-To Veteran Leadership Program, an initiative for individuals serving veterans who are motivated to broaden their skillsets, knowledge, and influence.
Throughout the five-month program, participants will meet with a variety of nationally known and distinguished professionals, educators, and experts in post-9/11 veteran transition and leadership development. They will attend the first two sessions virtually and then meet in Dallas for their final three sessions. The program will conclude with a final session and capstone event at the Bush Center in October.
Participants were selected after a rigorous application and review process. They join a growing network of 76 scholars from two previous classes who are rising leaders – both veterans and non-veterans – from a wide range of sectors who are working to improve post-9/11 veteran outcomes. They hold a variety of roles including business and community leaders, members of veteran-serving non-profits, as well as leaders in government, academia, and active and reserve military service members.
Prior to founding Forge VFR, and after finishing his service in the Navy, Eric obtained a Master’s degree in Public and International Administration at the University of Miami. While obtaining his degree, he served as a Senior Foreign Policy Analyst at the Department of Defense dealing with U.S. military operations in Latin America. In his role as Senior Foreign Policy Analyst, he worked directly with the President’s National Security Council, the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the U.S. Congress on many topics regarding U.S. foreign policy.
Location: Washington DC-Baltimore Area