Stella Oh

Professor , Loyola Marymount University

Professor Stella Oh completed her Ph.D. in the Department of English and Comparative Literature at UC Irvine with an emphasis in Gender Studies and Critical Theory. Professor Oh’s research and teaching interests revolve around representations of race, gender and war. Her research has appeared in several journals and anthologies, including LIT: Literature Interpretation Theory; Amerasia Journal; AJWS: Asian Journal of Women’s Studies; Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies. Her work has been published by Routledge, Cambridge Scholars Press, and University of Washington Press. Professor Oh co-organized the World Conference on Japanese Military Sexual Slavery, a three-day international conference with scholars, NGO’s, and survivors of the comfort system. She is currently working on a manuscript that explores the relationship between gender, race, and loss in graphic novels. Professor Oh teaches courses on contemporary literature, graphic narratives, and human trafficking.

Location: Los Angeles, CA, United State