Rajeev Ramchand

Senior Behavioral Scientist, RAND Corporation

Rajeev Ramchand (he/him) is co-director of the RAND Epstein Family Veterans Policy Research Institute and a senior behavioral scientist at the RAND Corporation. He studies the prevalence, prevention, and treatment of mental health and substance use disorders in adolescents, service members and veterans, and minority populations. He has conducted many studies on suicide and suicide prevention including environmental scans of suicide prevention programs, epidemiologic studies on risk factors for suicide, and evaluations of suicide prevention programs, and has developed tools to help organizations to evaluate their own programs. He has testified on suicide prevention before the United States Senate and California State Senate. Other current areas of research include military and veteran caregivers (he has testified before the U.S. House of Representatives on military caregivers); the role of firearm availability, storage, and policies on suicide; and the impact of disasters on community health. He received his Ph.D. in psychiatric epidemiology from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and his B.A. in economics from the University of Chicago.

Location: Washington DC-Baltimore Area