Prashant Mali
President, Cyber Law Consulting
Mr. Prashant Mali is India’s Award winning and Leading Lawyer practicing in Technology,Cyber,Privacy Law and financial crimes matters .An Expert Speaker & Thought Leader on Cyber crime, Cyber Law,Cyber Security,Banking and Insurance Frauds,Cyber Terrorism,Cyber War,Credit Card frauds,Digital Signatures,Cloud Computing & Security and topic concerning with Internet Technologies. He has reach experience of 20 years in Information Technology,Security and in Legal matters of Cyber Law. He has authored 6 books on cyber crime and cyber law. His articles are published in various known magazines , news papers. He has presented paper at Oxford University on “Cyber Terrorism & International Law”. He has a passion towards speaking and his favorite topic is Cyber_ _. He has spoken in various national and international conferences and seminars at different Universities, Law and Enforcement agencies, ISACA Chapters, Chambers of Commerce, Governmnet agencies etc
Awards & Recognitions :
Awarded “Cyber Law & Cyber Security Lawyer of The Year:2014 ” At National Law Day by National Bar Association & Presented by Ms. Meenakshi Lekhi, Member of Parliament (Govt. of India)
Special Achievement Award For excellence in Cyber Law By INFOSECURITY Magazine.
Recognized as Top 25 Legal Consultants of the year 2014 by SILICONINDIA Magazine.
Recognized as “Consultant of the Year 2014:Cyber Law” by CIO Review Magazine.
Appreciation Certificate by Anti Corruption Bureau of Police for conducting workshop for their officers
Appreciation Certificate by Rajasthan Police Academy for conducting course for their officers
Location: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India