Laura Wilson

Associate Professor and Director, University of Mary Washington

Laura C. Wilson has a PhD in clinical psychology and her expertise focuses on post-trauma functioning, particularly in survivors of sexual violence or mass trauma (e.g., terrorism, mass shootings, combat). Her research examines the sociocultural influences on and psychosocial outcomes among survivors of sexual violence, indicators of PTSD following mass trauma, long-term functioning among first responders, and the compounding impact of minority stress on particular populations (e.g., LGBTQ+ community). Dr. Wilson is also the director of the University of Mary Washington Safe Zone, an education and advocacy program at the University of Mary Washington that is geared toward fostering inclusion of the LGBTQ+ population. She has published more than 45 articles, in such peer-reviewed academic journals as Trauma, Violence, & Abuse; Journal of Traumatic Stress; Psychiatry Research; Journal of Clinical Psychology; Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy; Aggressive Behavior; and Behaviour Research and Therapy. She co-authored the book, “A Clinician’s Guide to Disclosures of Sexual Assault,” which provides guidance on and recommendations for providing survivor-centered support and services to survivors of sexual assault. She was the editor of “The Wiley Handbook of the Psychology of Mass Shootings,” the gold standard reference on the topic of mass shootings from a psychological perspective. She has presented her work at numerous national and international conferences and regularly includes students in her research, publications and presentations. In 2016, Dr. Wilson was named an Association for Psychological Science Rising Star that recognizes early-career researchers worldwide who are engaging in innovative work that is advancing the field. The University also honored her with the 2017 UMW Alumni Association Outstanding Young Faculty Member Award, presented annually to an exceptional member of the junior faculty.

Location: Fredericksburg, VA, United State