Dr. Jeffrey Blevins

Professor, University of Cincinnati

Dr. Blevins is a Professor in the Department of Journalism (51%); and School of Public and International Affairs (49%). His Scholarship is grounded in U.S. telecommunication law and policy and engages critical political economy theory. His recent book, Social Media, Social Justice, and the Political Economy of Online Networks (University of Cincinnati Press, 2022) explores the role of social media in social justice and political campaigns. Some of Dr. Blevins’ other published research has examined media ownership regulation, First Amendment jurisprudence on media ownership regulation, Internet media policy and the politics of the telecommunication policymaking process. He has provided expertise on electronic media regulation and Federal Communications Commission policymaking to international, national, regional and local news media. In 2009 Dr. Blevins served as a federal grant reviewer for the Broadband Technology Opportunity Program administered by the National Telecommunication and Information Administration and the U.S. Department of Commerce. He is a frequent opinion-editorial columnist for major news outlets, including USA Today, The Cincinnati Enquirer, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, and other venues.

Location: Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

Military Branch: U.S.Army